Friday, June 29, 2012

Thank you Mr. Presidneta

Hey hey lets make sure we all have medical, great idea but lets take it and shove it in the blender first. Thats what i think of this stupid idea that we all need medical. First off most companies are going to drop medical period for the employes cause it cheaper to pay the penalties for not having it. Fuck yeah lets make it so the middle class can suffer more. In fact lets rape them to the point where they are a dying breed and then gone gone gone. Yeah the cheapest independent medical one can get is about 300 a month. The average working American thats about half there paycheck gone not including other bills. Ohh yes if you are like me and said fuck it then i'm done. It gets better in fact they know this and love it. Lets fine all the people who don't have it so then no matter what you paying some one something. I don't know about you but lets face it the president is now a king. Chew on that for breakfast.


Got nothing against it but hate it at the same time. When it gets in your eyes it burns for hours. When it get in your pee hole same dam thing. Then when i hop into shower and theirs only a one by one piece left. That shit makes me rage like no other. Its starring at you while you pick it up to watch it disintegrate before your eyes before you even have time to say i. Its gone in a flash, then the beast part getting out of the shower trying to find some more. Sweet its right there ohh fuck they wrapped it up a thousands times so i can spend more time undoing this stupid wrapper and by now my body is freezing and mind is gone.

WTF prometheus

Has to be the most loop hole movie i have seen nor want to see in my life. Well lets start of with the start of them movie freaking aery and fantastic. The way the engineers looked was beyond words, that being said why the hell not do more with them. They looked so real it freaked me out. I want a movie with just them in it and nothing else. Explain them and more. More more more god dam it more that's all i screamed when i saw them and nothing. The rest of the movie was look at this cave, go in and every one die. No one saw that coming. Even the main chick with turns out to be the daughter of the one who funded the whole thing in the first place. oh yeah she dies hehe. Then the other side character is freaking beyond human. She first get impregnated by the aliens, which we all saw coming. Then she gets it taken out by a machine pretty cool part in the film. After that she able to walk, ok that makes perfect sense after you just be opened up and then stapled shut. Yeah right your abdominal would hurt so much you be luck to bend forward, but she was able to run and defend her self. Yeah right my ass the wind would knock this person over. Enough of that, lets get back on track. Visual speaking the filmed was epic. Other than that pointless. So there is hope though if they do another movie that will be the one that makes the most. You heard it hear first. At the end she is heading to the engineers planet, fuck yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!