Saturday, August 11, 2012

Shal we rage on DLC

Downloaded content in games. That's right they hold content from players and then release it as DLC. Its great cause i enjoy paying 10 dollars for an extra map that you already made but held back to make more money off us. In face what don't you just penny pinch us all the way threw the whole dam game. If you want to see next level just pay 1.99 alright sweet. If you want new weapons just pay .99. What the fuck happen to you guys as companies rewarding us for playing your game not holding back content and charging for it. Stupid as hell is it no wonder more and more people are pirating games cause of this shit. You give me an half ass game and then want me to pay extra so i can have the whole thing. What happen to getting that stuff for free to  encourage me to not only stay in the game but buy the next one. What ever happen to cheats in games. You know unlock all weapons and levels. Ill tell you it all went to that shit DLC.......


Theory as to why they are boring now. For starters there are way to many out there and they all claim they have the same stuff that world of Warcraft has and always fall way short. They manage to bring less than Warcraft has to offer each and every time. Its starting to become such a pattern its almost to predictable now a days. What happen to an massively multiplayer online releasing with something new that blew us away and dropped are jaw. I miss those days and i don't think they are every coming back until blizzard releases there new massively multiplayer online. They set the standard and everyone follows it to a tee and tries to improve on one aspect and fall threw in all the other areas that you lose interest faster and faster. Its almost like when you log in and try it your like alright seen that and been there. Lets break it down. The template itself is simple and it goes as follows. You have levels you have to gain threw questing and then rewarded once you reach max level with the constant grind of getting gear which is the best part, having that epic item tied to your character to show off to others yeah i downed that boss. When you take that away it becomes bland and boring welcome to Guild wars 2 model. They seem to think that once you hit max level you get all the gear instantly and will never upgrade it ever cause that's it, its the only gear you'll ever get. So basically once you hit max level and get the gear for free all the end game content becomes easy and bland. I'm now not interested in downing a boss or i should say wiping to it to learn it and then when i kill i get no reward. Just a title maybe, other than that all you get is cinematic. Sweet so once i kill everything even faster than normal cause theirs no barrier to entry with the top gear being handed to me, i have this to say about it this game will die faster than it rises. People will reach max level and leave after they sweep threw everything in under a week. Granted they have player vs player but that's a small crowd they will keep. Most people are into player vs environment or solo type activities to feel epic. Then there are others who try to break the mold but its the same dam thing. Will take the secret world for example they got rid of leveling up they say but that's not true at all, all they did is instead of leveling your character to a point you you reach max level you level to unlock new abilities. So basically your character right out the gate is dumb down and you have to work to unlock the new cool abilities. The one thing i give them props on is the fact you can truly create a unique combat experience for your character like no other game out there and its set in modern day. But than again after you reach max level your stuck with hardly anything to do at all. What killed star wars the old republic was they only had one thing to offer people and it was long questing with story telling which was done great but when i started to raid and the bosses are bugged. I don't get to see the story anymore its to bad to cause that was there whole thing and they fell threw. They thought of instead of fixing the raiding lets just add new raiding and forget that ever happen. OK if its based of story like you guys say how will i know the lore of that one bugged boss i never downed which leads to the next tier of bosses. Its sad to a great company fall short and the game is losing badly in the market. Now lets get to Rift a hidden massively multiplayer online that is rising and rising cause of that tool set they have. Its the only company Ive seen putting out content every month new raid new daily's new everything. Then they add more and more stuff from other massively multiplayer online games. Its crazy how fast they added stuff and an expansion is on its way out. Which is great for Trion but hears the down side to that game and why it suffers. The god dam talents points and the amount of skills you get is way to many. As a healer i had like 8 heals 5 buffs and only one area effect heal. Which is odd since i had so many single heals how do i heal a group with no area over effect at all but one that is weak as hell and has an insane cool down. When you reached max lvl you have like 60 talents to input in this huge ass tree that takes forever to decide what path you want to take. Its old school Warcraft where it takes hours to setting up your character and hope it works. Glad to see blizzard learning form it. Other than that the game is fun. Now onto Warcraft and a few things that i think would make the game even more epic if addressed but that just me. First one is 25 man raiding vs 10 man raiding. I'm sorry lets get rid of them and go to 15 man raiding to make balancing these things easy on you guys not harder. Yes 10 man is way harder and here is why. If you lose anyone its a wipe. Lose a healer call it lose a tank call it lose a damage per sec call it. Cant make enrage timers if damage per sec is down. Cant heal when you lose a healer. Cant hold the boss when you loose a tank. Its impossible to complete a fite gimped at all when you lose one guy in the beginning or middle or even at the tale end. In 25 man you can lose a healer a tank and lots of damage per second and still down the boss. I don't get why blizz does not see this and its frustrating since the majority or guilds do 10 mans. Next one that i have for them to improve a little on is there raid finder. Ingenious none the less its still has one issue that could promote guilds to raid and not do that thing. I don't mind everyone have access to all the bosses in the tier and can Que when every they want that's great and that's what you want in a game. More accessibility to others who don't have all day every day to play. With that being said if you down the end boss in raid finder you should get a short ass clip of the ending and not the same one that others see who raid with there guild. Make it short give them a taste. Then for normal mode guilds downing the end boss give them a show, we love seeing epic videos you guys put out. Make it long we want that. Then for the more hardcore crowd who do the hardest setting heroic. Give them the same video as normal but include maybe a sneak peak at what your working on like a little developer video so they get to see something more personal since they took the long hours of head crushing against a wall to down all the bosses props the them. So to break all the models of massively multiplayer online it'll have to be the ones who set it blizzard and i cant wait to see it. I know they release something so epic it'll bring back that jaw dropping effect that all massively multiplayer online players are missing do to the model being re used in hopes that one gimmick they improve on will hold us for years to come in there game......

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

short rage

One thing that i hate while taking a shower is when i run out of body wash. I have to step out of my paradise of nothing but soothing hot water and relaxing steam. To walk into Antarctica while i try to find some more. It's like walking threw a foggy day and cant see anything in front of you.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Alright my home world and place i miss the most its a part of me as im a part of it. Alaska miss the fresh air and all the great people. Even the darkness i crave to this day. Its all i want back in me to fill my soul. Nothing like nite life of a billion different stars upon stars to look at. Well, well here we go. They found the biggest gold mine in north America and want to start drilling. First off the bad news its right next to the biggest fisher know to man or where all the salmons like to spawn. So the question is do we destroy this sustainable source of food for all greed and resources we could use. Hell for Knox could use some more gold for backing our debts with. Why not i say fuck yeah start drilling baby bring it on. Lets do this and start a revolution we don't need food at all. In fact lets blow the whole freaking island up so its no longer there. Why not nuke it and kill two birds with one stone. Its what you want and crave you corporate greedy mongrels. Bring on the heat or heat wave of a freshly made ge nuke hehe. Bet you did not know they make nukes.