Saturday, August 11, 2012

Shal we rage on DLC

Downloaded content in games. That's right they hold content from players and then release it as DLC. Its great cause i enjoy paying 10 dollars for an extra map that you already made but held back to make more money off us. In face what don't you just penny pinch us all the way threw the whole dam game. If you want to see next level just pay 1.99 alright sweet. If you want new weapons just pay .99. What the fuck happen to you guys as companies rewarding us for playing your game not holding back content and charging for it. Stupid as hell is it no wonder more and more people are pirating games cause of this shit. You give me an half ass game and then want me to pay extra so i can have the whole thing. What happen to getting that stuff for free to  encourage me to not only stay in the game but buy the next one. What ever happen to cheats in games. You know unlock all weapons and levels. Ill tell you it all went to that shit DLC.......

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