Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Diablo 3

Have you heard or perhaps played this game. Lets start off with the launch its the first time Ive seen a blizz game go down and then back up. I feel bad for the whole team and come to find out it was at first server overloads and then there own isp was missing them up. You would think with the money they have they would own the internet. Just playing it goes to show that a company like blizz can break the internet with its popularity alone. Mad respect for creating the most addictive game Ive ever played. I dare you to try it and then stop after an hour come on do it. I played it all week on my week off. Nothing but red bulls and tons of hours into this game. Great times with friends and new friends. Also dont play public there a hack going around to steal you account no surprise since that thing is coming. You want to know what it is, its called real money Auction house. Yes you heard me a means for people to buy gear or items in game with real money. Its a way for blizz to make money as well as you. The genius part though is blizzard my god taking 10% of each sale woot money rolling with out doing anything got to love it. The story and the lore in the game fantastic. Even the art work is freaking sick looking on high. My favorite is the secrete level called Whymsyshire, took me 6 hours to grind out all the parts needed to make the staff of hearding. Its a nock at all the people saying diablo is to colorful. That place is pretty for sure ponys every where hehe. To top it off someone with no sleep after three days killed diablo on inferno. Let me break this one down for you. You have to beat it on normal, then night mare, then hell, and then inferno. What the hell this kid did i have no idea. No sleep, no bathroom breaks just sat there and played the game till he beat it. Freaking nuts it takes on average if you just roll threw main quest in each act about 4 hours and thats just on normal in night mare it takes about 6 and so on. My guess he ran straight threw did no side quest nothing and skipped mobs as much as possible. Still insane that  he did it in three days. Also you cant get away form the game at all its all over the news and the t.v. People are also talking about it day in and out. Play the dam game already...................

Crap facebook

They went public go buy some stock to go broke and then never see a profit for years to come. How many times have we seen a dot com go public and years later gets bought out and sold over and over to where its just crashes and burns. Who know maybe theres enough people playing that dam farm ville game that face book will live till the end of time. HAHA good luck on that one...................................

High way contruction

First off its your job to make me late for work and then make my ride on the way there as uncomfortable as possible, hell lets put in fucking speed bumps in the middle of the thing so you break your car. Fuck yeah. Then lets get about 25 people all sipping coffee watching the new guy do some sorta of work on a machine. Not sure why your putting in groves that break tiers in the high way but hey why not. Then lets make it so dam confusing on what the hell the speed limit is so cops can pull me over for going what the sign said two blocks ago. I dont care what that sign said its only 50 alright if thats what you want to enforce cover up the other dam signs so i know what speed i should be doing. Then lets do construction one day and take the week off, so you have no idea when you should take the back road or the high way cause there on the same rage seclude as a girl on her many mood swings. One minute its all construct and then the next nothing make up your minds already and stop standing around for crying out loud. Project would get done way faster if you would just put they whole crew on it and not just the new kid on the block. I miss them laugh out loud. !!!!!!!!

I'm back with tons to talk about whattttttt

Its been a few crazy weeks, welcome to its my birthday haha. First off going to the bar having a drink called deraileri is nuts by your self but hey why not. I'm a cheap date only 13 dollars woot all nite long aww yeah. Did i also say the bar also had karaoke hehe. Well i picked a great 80s song to sing and then the whole dam bar joined in aww yeah. Nothing like the incoherent babble of a drunk voice to serenade any chick in the club.  Now here comes some great news my uncle shows up out of no where what a surprise, i kid you not was great seeing family. After they showed up as well as the others we formed tables to hold every one. The fist step to my drunk ness was chugging the deraileri what a great rush then followed by some random drinks and shots all around of vodka. After that a soco and coke my fav. By now im feeeeelllllinnnnngggg really good needless to say. So i get up and sing a song for every one to enjoy. The best part was after, some random person grabs my arm and says what are you doing here. I respond its my birthday. Here's why its still on my mind, no matter how hard i try to remember what she looks like its a blurry face with only a voice ill never figure this one out. Even if it was someone i knew you would think they would text you, hey saw you at bar you were drunk and happy birthday haha. Nope nothing this person eludes my mind and its quite funny. I've been going over it in my head over and over nothing. Same thing she grabs me i look down then look up no face nothing but its my birthday and then move on. So after that were all drinking and then we look outside. Theres at least 6 cop cars all waiting for us to hop in the car and take off. So me, my sis, and my uncle all hop in his car while his wife's drives. She was sober aww yeah. So thanks to family i arrived to my home safe and sound later that nite. While i was there nothing like watching the grey. Great film i must say nothing like Liam Neeson. Lets face it hes been putting out such great movies lately, must have the whole set hehe.

passion of the christ

I know its a little old but i still have rage with this film. That's right even the one who's suppose to be all that is being is turned into another profit machine. The gods son him self laid out all over film for all to see. The horror of his last hours and just how bad it was. Me writing this i feel weird. Its hard enough to imagine a god that would except us after we torchering his own son who was brought to this earth to steer us in the right direction. But that's neither here nor there, Back on track so why the hell was there such a big following to this crap. Is it just me or is 2 hours of nothing but blood and torchering. That's just crazy the amount of people how love watching this one man suffer for tow hours. Is there not something wrong with this, is not the idea of torchering suppose to makes us sick or better yet is it not banned in all if not most countries. I don't know about you but millions upon millions who enjoyed this film should have there head checked.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Is it just me or are people freaking angry over every holiday now a days ha ha that rhymes. Seems like more and more people are depressed as hell when it comes to the holidays. Is it really that stress full to spend time with the ones you love. Yes it is cause  they all want something when it comes to these things. All you hear is bitch bitch bitch during the holiday and family's freaking out, if i don't get that ipad for my son hes going to hate me. Really does this kid need a 800 dollar toy to make him happy, fuck no. Its sickening how bad its gotten. People raging about being out of things and then kids raging on and on about crap they don't need. This world is full of shit and lies. The media has programmed us all to buy buy buy when it comes to these holidays. Thank you hallmark for making a shitty ass holiday of love. Is everyone blind that they need a holiday to see i love you, makes me wonder what people are doing in a relations ship where only one time out of the year they express there love to them. Its a perfect crime if you ask me. Only have to love one day and then hate the rest of the 364 days out of the year. Hears an idea love them 24/7 they mite respect you more for it, lets face it, it mite even be health for you. Giving and receiving love is normal not a one year thing. End that holiday now.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Inspired by post hehe

Rules themselves are what we make of them or what others do to impose fear in those threw the means of rules that keep us in line. If it was not for rules this world itself would not exist, there would be no structure to life and life itself would be bland. Rules are rules cause we say they are. So the very idea of rules are created by man himself. To keep all the herd in line and closed minded. It turns even the strongest person into a drone for the system. Who imbedded all the rules or intents of life. Your parents are the ones who structured us all into the mind set weather it be to ask questions or to follow the rules of others and conform to the system. Bow down to your knees and so on. Rules are put in place so greater man can sit an laugh as all there ducks fall in line to stupidity.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

2Pac the legend lives

They did it a hologram of the legend. Looks epic and sweet. Cant believe how smooth it is and to see him rap brings back some great memories. All i can say is hes the most lyrical raper and best illusive designed raps i've ever heard. The only one that comes close is Eminem. But i feel they are both equal and deserve more props then they ever got. Eminem himself is like seeing pac threw a mirror.


Thursday, May 3, 2012


I hate them with a passion thinking they can ride int he middle of the road with that smirk on there face thinking there freaking lance arm strong. Get a real life and find a trail to ride not in the middle of the city where i have to go to work. Who will win a 4 thousand pound car or a bike cyclist that weighs 200lbs you decide. Stop putting your hands out too, to demonstrate how retarded you are in the first place cause last time i check if your not doing 30mph your ass cant be on the road. Why are you taking all the busy streets to impress us of how god dam earth friendly you are. Ok i get it you got a few DUI's now your all on this bike cyclist trip. It's great to see you taking responsibility for your actions but please ride on the side walk or better yet finder a safe route that does  not involve millions of cars waiting on you to get up to 5mph.

Srry all

Yeah been in a funk so have not been writing hehe it happens, ill do my best to write more and dam me for having problems its very selfish and my readers should not have to put up with this crap. Peace love and booty grease ill see you guys in the future...............


I get it we are getting hacked and hacked over and over again. Hell even Ive been hacked many times on xbox does that promote Microsoft to improving security sure it does by inconvenient your ass. Well lets set up additional features ok. First one the two stepper. This one includes your phone. Sweet simple enough so now you want my phone number so when that hackers gets in he can call me and tell me hes stealing my money fuck yeah. Next we can set up an email system that generates codes for you alright. I have to check my email then use that code hehe. Another one the authenticator which is really nice feature. I love it its a key-chain i have three of them. They are great waste of space in hopes none hacks my shit. Next is by far my favorite the security questions who the hell writes all this crap down or stores all this info in your head. Is it bad enough i have to try and remember what emailed i used cause i hate spam so i set up fake emails. Then have to remember the dam password since there all different. Then you have the balls to ask a question i put down real fast to create the account 5 years ago, i have no fucking idea what i put down or how i wrote it. For all i know it could have a caps, numbers, spaces, be long or even short. I don't remember how i answered things like that 5 years ago. I have an idea scrap the whole dam system and lets go to thumb and dna. That's impossible to hack, I'm game lets make it happen. Then input chips into us already and while were at it get rid of money. Make it a credit system already. No one carry's money on them any more everything is card friendly so make it happen.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Windows 8

Windows 8 mines will call it I-windows. Let me break it down. First off your making me have to have a touch screen for my desktop. I don't want that crap i like my mouse and keyboard for my games. No i don't care about your shity apps. How many times can i play cut the rope and angry birds ummmm let me think once when i got it for my phone. Also making me watch adds as well in that piss of shity tile format you call the start menu. How much resources is that junk taking up. Then when i hit desktop there's no start menu. Well i don't have voice commands all lined up and i don't have touch screen on a machine that plays massively multiplayer online games. Hell if your going to alienate us then make the whole thing start up with that tile puke of green and blue garbage you call windows now. Make everything a square. Calculator, Word, Games, Firewalls, Music, Folders, and in fact scrap the whole dam gui system. Yes just what i wanted tiles of puke on a screen i dropped 4k to make games look sick. What is the future of gaming, ill tell you hang man. You heard it first. Hang man and kicking a can 100 feet in the air because you can swipe the screen with your finger is the future. Woot the end.......