Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm back with tons to talk about whattttttt

Its been a few crazy weeks, welcome to its my birthday haha. First off going to the bar having a drink called deraileri is nuts by your self but hey why not. I'm a cheap date only 13 dollars woot all nite long aww yeah. Did i also say the bar also had karaoke hehe. Well i picked a great 80s song to sing and then the whole dam bar joined in aww yeah. Nothing like the incoherent babble of a drunk voice to serenade any chick in the club.  Now here comes some great news my uncle shows up out of no where what a surprise, i kid you not was great seeing family. After they showed up as well as the others we formed tables to hold every one. The fist step to my drunk ness was chugging the deraileri what a great rush then followed by some random drinks and shots all around of vodka. After that a soco and coke my fav. By now im feeeeelllllinnnnngggg really good needless to say. So i get up and sing a song for every one to enjoy. The best part was after, some random person grabs my arm and says what are you doing here. I respond its my birthday. Here's why its still on my mind, no matter how hard i try to remember what she looks like its a blurry face with only a voice ill never figure this one out. Even if it was someone i knew you would think they would text you, hey saw you at bar you were drunk and happy birthday haha. Nope nothing this person eludes my mind and its quite funny. I've been going over it in my head over and over nothing. Same thing she grabs me i look down then look up no face nothing but its my birthday and then move on. So after that were all drinking and then we look outside. Theres at least 6 cop cars all waiting for us to hop in the car and take off. So me, my sis, and my uncle all hop in his car while his wife's drives. She was sober aww yeah. So thanks to family i arrived to my home safe and sound later that nite. While i was there nothing like watching the grey. Great film i must say nothing like Liam Neeson. Lets face it hes been putting out such great movies lately, must have the whole set hehe.

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