Wednesday, May 23, 2012

High way contruction

First off its your job to make me late for work and then make my ride on the way there as uncomfortable as possible, hell lets put in fucking speed bumps in the middle of the thing so you break your car. Fuck yeah. Then lets get about 25 people all sipping coffee watching the new guy do some sorta of work on a machine. Not sure why your putting in groves that break tiers in the high way but hey why not. Then lets make it so dam confusing on what the hell the speed limit is so cops can pull me over for going what the sign said two blocks ago. I dont care what that sign said its only 50 alright if thats what you want to enforce cover up the other dam signs so i know what speed i should be doing. Then lets do construction one day and take the week off, so you have no idea when you should take the back road or the high way cause there on the same rage seclude as a girl on her many mood swings. One minute its all construct and then the next nothing make up your minds already and stop standing around for crying out loud. Project would get done way faster if you would just put they whole crew on it and not just the new kid on the block. I miss them laugh out loud. !!!!!!!!

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