Thursday, May 3, 2012


I get it we are getting hacked and hacked over and over again. Hell even Ive been hacked many times on xbox does that promote Microsoft to improving security sure it does by inconvenient your ass. Well lets set up additional features ok. First one the two stepper. This one includes your phone. Sweet simple enough so now you want my phone number so when that hackers gets in he can call me and tell me hes stealing my money fuck yeah. Next we can set up an email system that generates codes for you alright. I have to check my email then use that code hehe. Another one the authenticator which is really nice feature. I love it its a key-chain i have three of them. They are great waste of space in hopes none hacks my shit. Next is by far my favorite the security questions who the hell writes all this crap down or stores all this info in your head. Is it bad enough i have to try and remember what emailed i used cause i hate spam so i set up fake emails. Then have to remember the dam password since there all different. Then you have the balls to ask a question i put down real fast to create the account 5 years ago, i have no fucking idea what i put down or how i wrote it. For all i know it could have a caps, numbers, spaces, be long or even short. I don't remember how i answered things like that 5 years ago. I have an idea scrap the whole dam system and lets go to thumb and dna. That's impossible to hack, I'm game lets make it happen. Then input chips into us already and while were at it get rid of money. Make it a credit system already. No one carry's money on them any more everything is card friendly so make it happen.

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