Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Windows 8

Windows 8 mines will call it I-windows. Let me break it down. First off your making me have to have a touch screen for my desktop. I don't want that crap i like my mouse and keyboard for my games. No i don't care about your shity apps. How many times can i play cut the rope and angry birds ummmm let me think once when i got it for my phone. Also making me watch adds as well in that piss of shity tile format you call the start menu. How much resources is that junk taking up. Then when i hit desktop there's no start menu. Well i don't have voice commands all lined up and i don't have touch screen on a machine that plays massively multiplayer online games. Hell if your going to alienate us then make the whole thing start up with that tile puke of green and blue garbage you call windows now. Make everything a square. Calculator, Word, Games, Firewalls, Music, Folders, and in fact scrap the whole dam gui system. Yes just what i wanted tiles of puke on a screen i dropped 4k to make games look sick. What is the future of gaming, ill tell you hang man. You heard it first. Hang man and kicking a can 100 feet in the air because you can swipe the screen with your finger is the future. Woot the end.......

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