Monday, July 30, 2012

How can it be!!!!

How is this taste less, color less, order less, and in fact the more abundant thing on earth be so vital to life. Is it me or does something this ordinary and or bland thing we call water have such high stakes to our life make you wonder why. Why is it that we crave so much from this seeming less boring liquid object. Its like a trance and it feels so good to drink. Like it came direct form the tree of life itself. We need it and want it more than anything else.


For years i have been haunted by this and why are they all here in this location. Why are some female and others male. What is the driving force behind all this and is it some greater plan i'm unaware of. What makes me the most copied person in this one location so special. Hell all go as far as saying i'm nothing but an average guy trying to get by day by day. That is all. I've had conversations with many of my friends about me doing things that ended up being just my twins. Its kinda of odd to have a stranger come up to you and ask hows your horses and hows uncle ted. I don't know man i have no idea who you are. Even when i say that they still look at me like i'm someone they've know for years. It's in there eyes, its right there even they believe its me. My very first job was at Safeway and when a guy named ken went to work at another store to fill in he had this to say. Before i get to that let me till you my first car was a 72 mustangs its important believe it or not. Well here we go. He said and i quote; "Theres a chick who drives a 73 mustang who works at the store i filled in yesterday who looks exactly like you." First off what the fuck is the odds of it being female and drives and old mustang that's only one year off from mine. This is an ongoing thing. Then when i started at tidyman's i was going to SFCC at the time, a chick who was a checker asked me if i went to EWU. I said no and she asked again are you sure it looks just like you i said i know what school i go to last time i checked hehe. Another time at the same place someone asked me if i got a new job and that i was no longer working at the gas station i said nope been here the whole time. Yet again another time but its from a close friend asked if i was downtown i said nope im at home. He said well i just saw you walking and drove by to wave. Its odd but it drives me to want to meet me. Now working at Fred Meyer i had a person asked if i had a twin brother who works at pet co, i said not to my knowledge. Gets even better and why its on my mind now. So my sister comes to me today and says i saw you in Cheney. I said no i was at work. She said yeah i followed you and it was weird to see the same car you drive and a person who looks just like you. Alright hold up i have a new car now a 97 ford taurus and its blue how the fuck did my twin know and or get the same dam car. Thats more than enough for a person to think hes from some other time or is crazy hehe. I don't know which one to believe in anymore its freaky and they keep following me as well as copy what i do it seems. They are all over my stomping grounds buying the same car i drive who knows maybe im not me today. Maybe this is my twin and its not really me. Now that would be the best right a person whos been raging this whole time on this blog is now a distant star in the background cause Ive been copied over and over to the point where even my copies are me. So i leave you all with this....... Is this the real me or not??????? you decide.......

Saturday, July 28, 2012


All i can say is wow. Just do your self a huge favor and go to the imax to see it. Well get to the shity part about the shooting in a minute hehe. So buckle up and put your tin foil hats on. Here we goooo!!!! Well first off the hired extra security and did not watch the back entrance to the theater. Really why the fuck not. Then why are people saying it part of the event. That is beyond me, someone comes in with guns and throws tear gas out is part of a mid knight release. Who has ever done this in the history of movie releases ever in the theater itself. If anything they would dress up that is all not bring in guns and shit come on people. Also they guy who left the baby on the ground to go make a phone what the fuck is with this guy. Stupid as hell in fact lets have all the pan-icing people trample this poor kid. Then to top it off he proposes to his girl after all that and she says yes. Really a guy who is willing to sacrifice his kids and not himself is who you want to marry. Is this chick not all there. Next this one is the rarest thing i ever heard of and the chances are so bleck that it hard to process it all. A women goes to Canada on a trip and was literally minutes away form dying in that shooting but survived. Then returns home to go see the batman movie and dies. The odds of this is crazy. Well enough of my rage my heart goes out to all the poor victims of that event and hope they get well soon. :)


god dam this thing. What the hell is with the service lately and all the lawsuits. Is it me or is apple freaking out of there minds. Lets sue over the lock screen really. Why not sue for looks of it oh wait the've done that. In fact lets sue to sue just because we have money. Is our patent laws this lose that we can sue left and right over stupid shit. i don't know about you but that makes me sick. I'm going to sue people who use the phrase lets do this. I say it a lot why not in fact im going to patent that phrase so its mine and only i can say it. Then if i every hear someone say it boom theirs a cold mil waiting for me at my house. I love this so much im going to the curt house to petition this to get the ball rolling. Man is this what it feels like to be sue happy. You should see the smile on my face from ear to ear baby. I cant wait im so excited i'm going to lose sleep over it haha.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Banning of guns

Lets have fun with this one ok. First of you try to take the rights of bare arms you better bring an army with you. i know for a fact that most are not willing to give up on these rights at all and are willing to die for it as well. To me if this actually passes the only way i can see it working is we declare marshal law and the stupid un comes in to take control of it all. Then we set up camps for each and every person who does not want to comply. Sound familiar it should look at ww1 and 2 hehe. Same thing but it'll be done to us the free American people. Its a right to own and have them so let it be. Stupid one world government bull shit.


Anyone else feel like life has reached its peak and nothing new is going to happen and then realize that its you who needs to change in order to improve upon life. Its built in all of us were just scared to do we get in that comfort zone far to often that we start to relay on it. i can say that i have relied on this far to often that its making me sick. I feel as if its time to move to a strange place and start a new life. Who knows what joys or sorrows are along the way but hey its worth it to see what else is out there. Or what life has to offer, Lately nothing here at all been the same thing time and time again.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sugar and potassium

These two dam items are the vain of my existence in a literal sense. i hate them with a passion and cant seem to get away form this drug. Its almost dam near impossible to get rid of sugar ive gone nuts trying to find a way. You simply can not do it unless you don't eat and only drink water. As far as potassium goes why the fuck that's in everything now is beyond me. I cant have it, its bad for a person like me with hig blood pressure. Im on a beat blocker that holds any little bit of this shit in my body and high doses of a can kill you. Yes i know its great for severe acne patients and the scary part the part they don't tell you until your on it is that you have to get tested every month to make sure your kidneys are working. So this drug that makes your skin look great also kills you sweet. Enough of that how about that it kills me just for taking meds. Pretty sad to see a vitamin slowly eat someone away maybe its why im crazy.........

The world passes by

To me it seems like this is true time and time again. It passes by so fast it's hard to believe, in a blink and you already missed almost everything. Weird to say that time picks up as you get older. Why is that, is it because were more aware of it and cherish every moment. As if it was our last or is it the simple fact that when your younger time has no meaning and you free off the grid so to speak. Its a hard concept to grasp considering all the stuff you do as a child, that time itself would seem to elude you beyond words. Play outside, go to school all day, play more outside. Repeat and repeat and before you know it, its straight to the working force and time slips away. I've seen time slip away form me its like i stood there as everyone around me moved on and forward.........

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Maybe a little rage lol

Lets start with the people in human resources over in Seattle. These people are so incredibly dumb its almost impossible to comprehend i kid you not. First few stores i apply to, when i call back a week later to check up. She had this to say oh yeah they have been filled aw cool so you sat on my apps and did not turn them in. Thats freaking epic i wish i could do that, so this way when ever your trying to get anywhere it wont happen who cares about your app. Your from some where else i dont want to help your ass out at all. In fact im shredding it now hehe to spite you. Then i get a call form the regional, that sounds sweet something i did not expect or even saw coming but hey why not. So he tells me to apply for the meat ans seafood. Sweet i have tons of experience in that no brainier right this is smooth sailing sounds like the gods are shining on me on this day right. Nope it takes them almost a month for them to call back to tell me its full. It gets better every time i called to check up on it they were like who is Nick well hes your grocery manager last time i checked and the one who would be doing the interviews. No one had a clue who there boss was freaking funny as hell. When i got a chance to talk to there stupid ass illiterate human resource person. All she kept saying was who are they sir well they are you guys and what you were looking for. Then she said i don't handle the internal apps, really you got to be fucking kidding me right that's your very job. Why the fuck are you in human resources if you don't understand what your job title is. My god some of the worst people i have in my life ever dealt with, its sad to all i was trying to do is transfer over there and watch my aunts house for her. It makes me sick that people go all this way to help me out and then fuck me over. Its like why did four people call me to give me hope when all your going to do is stomp on it and light it on fire. Then after all this Nick calls me this week. Tells me they have no openings and proceeds to give me the worst advice i ever heard of all i could say was ty and hung up. My jam literally dropped when he utter this fucking words. You nee ed to fill out the restricted times you cant work. Are you serious read what the hell you just said. You want me to have restriction, really what kind of world do you live in. You would think being available any dam time of the week would be indeed what a company looking for. Someone you can call when ever and will be there. I guess im crazy, time to check into a hospital. So i guess this is it white coats and all the checkers i can eat. nothing like getting high for free and no worries rights sounds like the good life. Nothing but interesting stories form others and great food. Hear i come eastern state hospital..........

Lindsey Stirling

Not going to rage tonite nothing but love for this artist. Violin and then trance and some other stuff as well. What more could you want check her out on YouTube. Its a perfect blend of melody to speak to the heart. It transcends anything i ever heard and love it. Nothing but respect for her and her great ness as talent. She is by far the best person in the world to inspire people and you can see the true joy that comes form her music each time she does a video. Truly speechless and in awe.........

Thursday, July 5, 2012

2012 seems more real

At first i was a huge huge fan of reading what will actual take place according to the mayans but now it does feel as if that end of the world scenario is going to happen. More and more things push towards the idea of this its scary and if your not scared will take the time to look around you and you'll see what i see.

One world governement

I feel more and more we are heading towards this faster than expected. If that gun law passes and we lose this right here in America. Man ohh man that's all i can say. It'll split the US into a civil war, i kid you not. No ones going to give up there right to bare arms you got to be joking me and to even think of trying to make it a law to do so is just crazy. Is it me or are we heading straight in to a civil war and it'll be the free independent vs the government all over again but this time it'll be split and they'll both exist in present day. Seems more and more true. I'm going to say it we don't have a president anymore we have a king the things hes passing that are clear against the Constitution is so radical one cant even fathom what he'll do next. In fact i guarantee well get him for another 4 years and nothing will stop this clown. My favorites is how he himself is always like we just need to calm down really we need to stand the fuck up and end this king shit now before its to late. Will be in camps soon enough with that medical bill passing. Putting us there cause we cant afford independent medical but his idea of medical for all and if you don't bam throw us in the camps. Well at least fine the crap out of us. That's what we need more money more problems. Someone needs to stand tall and start a revolution and bring back the core values this very country was built off of. No more of this crap its getting worse and worse. We need to take care of our people not make them so poor that we have to live on the streets while others come here to the land of the free and rake in like gods. They get so much support its ridiculous. Its needs to stop needs to stop.