Thursday, July 19, 2012

The world passes by

To me it seems like this is true time and time again. It passes by so fast it's hard to believe, in a blink and you already missed almost everything. Weird to say that time picks up as you get older. Why is that, is it because were more aware of it and cherish every moment. As if it was our last or is it the simple fact that when your younger time has no meaning and you free off the grid so to speak. Its a hard concept to grasp considering all the stuff you do as a child, that time itself would seem to elude you beyond words. Play outside, go to school all day, play more outside. Repeat and repeat and before you know it, its straight to the working force and time slips away. I've seen time slip away form me its like i stood there as everyone around me moved on and forward.........

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