Thursday, July 5, 2012

One world governement

I feel more and more we are heading towards this faster than expected. If that gun law passes and we lose this right here in America. Man ohh man that's all i can say. It'll split the US into a civil war, i kid you not. No ones going to give up there right to bare arms you got to be joking me and to even think of trying to make it a law to do so is just crazy. Is it me or are we heading straight in to a civil war and it'll be the free independent vs the government all over again but this time it'll be split and they'll both exist in present day. Seems more and more true. I'm going to say it we don't have a president anymore we have a king the things hes passing that are clear against the Constitution is so radical one cant even fathom what he'll do next. In fact i guarantee well get him for another 4 years and nothing will stop this clown. My favorites is how he himself is always like we just need to calm down really we need to stand the fuck up and end this king shit now before its to late. Will be in camps soon enough with that medical bill passing. Putting us there cause we cant afford independent medical but his idea of medical for all and if you don't bam throw us in the camps. Well at least fine the crap out of us. That's what we need more money more problems. Someone needs to stand tall and start a revolution and bring back the core values this very country was built off of. No more of this crap its getting worse and worse. We need to take care of our people not make them so poor that we have to live on the streets while others come here to the land of the free and rake in like gods. They get so much support its ridiculous. Its needs to stop needs to stop.

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