Friday, April 27, 2012

Another short round

Hmmmmmmmm..... I wonder as I wonder. Lets go down memory lane. Lets talk about that stuff that talks about stuff. Or better yet music hahaha never saw that one coming did you. As i write this i see all of you sitting there saying what the fuck. Well here we go down this deep rabbit whole. Music it self motivates us as well as set the mood for the day, its fantastic and needed every day. We as human beings can not live with out this. Its a fact we would all go insane with out music there to touch our soul.

Yes we all unite to waste money

That's right you stupid rich people with fads. It was Scientology to begin with now you guys are bored and need something to waste money on now. Lets all gather and see what stupid ass idea we can come up with. Oh wait i got lets mine for minerals and gas woot. Ok the gas station idea first. We don't even have a space ship any more last time i checked. NASA is dead and has yet to re build there space craft. So for starters your funding the RUSSIANS. Way to go billions upon billions wasted to take a dam meteorite and use robots to gather an ounce of resources. Woot that cost about 8 billion with a turn around of about 1000 dollars. The richest minds untie and waste more money on idiotic ideas. The whole NASA thing i could rage on for hours. Trillions spent to bring back a fucking rock are you kidding me my god. Spend that money on better things down here. Who cares about a rock i can go find in Sarah desert myself. Hell pay me ten thousand and ill do that for you. Ill go down there and find that strange rock you guys can study in a glass case for years to come. To final realize how stupid the idea was to begin with. I get the idea of exploring other planets but to sit there and waste trillions on rocks is point less. I don't care what the moon looks like i can see that shit day in and out in my back yard for crying out loud. Also to waste billions on a god dam pen that writes upside down really have you ever heard of a pencil. What kind of people are running this place. I need a pen cause that lead was to gray and black looking, in fact i don't like the way it looks on a pad. Really get a life and actually look at what we have and then use it. Don't waste money on a stupid pen that no one else will every use in there life. I know when i write i sit in my bed holding a dam pad in the air to write on all the time. Yeah even you as the reader should know better than to believe my ass on that. Ok so back on subject they want a working gas station by 2020. Sweet lets have tons of fuel for that one plane that takes another 67 billion years to get there, oh wait were dead when that happens. HAHAHA don't you see how dumb this idea is really come on. It takes years to go any where up there so why make a fuel station that'll never see the lite of day but for old people who were 18 when they first took off, Laughing my ass off over and over. The whole NASA program is a joke just like this idea of a gas station in space. What will it cost pennies on the dollar but take trillions to get there. Fucking sweet and i applaud all you idiots in that room who came up with this idea. Lets get to the key players of this Google CEO Larry Page and Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt and Cameron. Yes that crazy director of titanic haha. Cameron is back with yet another idea. First it was Avatar all filmed form mars footage we don't have yet, now its lets waste money on a space fueling station. No idea why Google's ceo would bank on it, that ones beyond me i think he got brain washed by Cameron.

Youtube 2.0

Lets see how much i can talk about new YouTube. First off i watch an add to began with sweet. Then an add in the middle and then a mini add at the bottom fuck yeah. Now YouTube people who make videos talking about adds to advertise more shit. I have a great idea for all you peeps make a channel all about adds, post videos of adds talk about adds, at then end of the day make adds on top of adds. Hell make an add with in an add. Make as much since as me sitting there to watch your cat video and i have to see 20 adds about "Thats for babies" oh my god kill that add please for the love of god make that add stop. Disney i don't care how much a trip is to your scary ass place of secrets. Hell ill pay you 98 dollars a day to stop making that add.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Is it me or just the idea of me being crazy around this sort of question. Where are they and why as intellectual beings have we not moved into the future yet. Technology is stag net and slow moving. So what happen to these people the ones who sock the world with an idea. Then goes and does it and bam we move forward. Nothing in the past few decade has moved us to a stronger better society or one that is more planet friendly.


Aliens what you think about it. Really a planet that has yet to be visited or even have an ounce of evidence that supports the idea. All we got is fake photos and no bodies. Why is that, ever wonder why!!! Its a crazy question that digs deep into the mind. If you actually sat there and thought about it for about 3 minutes you'll go insane off the idea. Why if those stars are real and each star is a planet and each planets has moons and so on so on. Where is all the other life out there or perhaps they are the ones controlling our thoughts and movements in the back ground. You know that feeling like some one is right behind you and boom nothing. But you know you felt it. The slightest touch that changed the idea in your head to drive you to do or not to do on a daily basis's. It's hard to fathom that all that space up there is real if the fact that we are indeed the Superior race then were doomed to never ever find anything but that is impossible to say a mistake on this planet is the Superior race or being in all the galaxy. I say we've been blind to the idea and there more depth to it. As in the idea of the fact that this is not real. It's a joke or a game. A place called purgatory, THINK ABOUT IT???? You'll see what i see a lie that smeared over and over like copy pasta. A giant simulations that were all apart of due to us destroying what once was the real solar system. Were a dying breed that is on the verge of extinction.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The mind set of staying up 24 hours

This post will be all over the place. The idea after this long with no sleep having coherent thoughts is almost impossible. One could even say its not going to happen. I feel the mind slipping into a paradox of different reality's. Who's to say which one is real or not. Hard to decipher when your this out of it. Yes i did stay up this long to grind out in a game. One would say i nerd-ed out hardcore and need a month to recuperate but i say not enough. Only got to level 20 and theirs still 40 more to go. As i sip my glass full of water listing to the malonic sounds that are Ashley Wallbridge, i drift off down a rabbit whole. It's a lot like Alice not sure which way is up or down but in the end it all works out. Since i said it why is that no matter how hard this thing we call life we always adept and spring back up only to be taken back down but still we always manage. As the music pumps louder and louder i can feel the body began to move. Then i drift to another place. Feels like I'm flying threw the clouds and then it turns into nite. Where I'm just lying there in the grass looking up at the bright twinkle lights. Almost like its game to turn them off and on. Well off to bed my pillow awaits me with arms wide open. To nestle this kind brain into a deep sleep that is rem.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

customers bewhare

Lets tear this one up haha. First off you drove how many miles to yell at a stranger. Are you fucking insane. Let me think ummmmmm yes. That's right i purposely did not order that ketchup so you can drive 20 miles and then proceed to degrade my ass for no apparent reason. Cause the concept of picking up the phone to ask if we have it is beyond your comprehensions then clearly you sir should be put in a straight jacket with padded rooms and all the checkers you can eat.......When did this concept get complete fucked up over and over its un real. Did all the CEOs of every company forget that if it was not for the people working in the trenches your ass would not have money at all. It's our hard work you take credit of...Should you not roll out the red carpet and hand feed us the ones who work day in and out in this bull shit. Every day we have to put up with your stupidity of some new crazy idea you came up with drunk off your ass and itching to hit that gulf course in the morning. Must be nice to sit in a room of nuts that spit out random babble that clearly needs about 400 translators to try and figure this crap out.....

Fuck trust

Well well well here we are the best thing in life right. Lifes a bitch no matter what you do it ends up biting and ripping you up in the end. Trust itself is what got us in the mess to began with. We gave trust to that special someone and they tore it up because of past experiences that lead them to believe "With trust comes miss trust"(Alan Cotting). So where suppose to learn and adept form our past right. But is it not the past that defines us. Fuck yeah it is. So how does one who has trust issues from past experience get over that in the next relationship. You don't its impossible no matter how hard you try you'll regress to that past experience cause its all you got and its the very foundation that built you. The past defines the being we are today no matter who you try to fool it'll come out time and time again. Were suppose to be building and progressing from it but its impossible when its all we got to go by. Lifes a bitch and full of irony. How is this not the very definition of hell. Well think about it no matter what you do you'll fall back on trust cause its your crutch in life and how messed up it truly is in your mind. Theres no trust its impossible to find no matter how hard you look. Were all broke and broke each other so bad that its one broken piece after another. Its hard to build a foundation on trust when its trust that got you into the mess your in. It's trust that put up the walls to your heart cause its what was broken when you put trust into that special someone in life. So if that next person in your life is not willing to help you build off this then it'll never work out. All we do is try to piece ours and hers broken heart into a whole one once again. It's difficult to find since its a project and we all hate projects no matter how big or small. There time consuming and it often breaks us down further to the break of our very being or the fiber of our existence itself. Is that not messed up...................

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

not sure why but i must

As the title says haha. I'm going to rip the whole dating scene up in a a few lines, i hope you enjoy also close your eyes hehe. Lets start this off with the online scene i know you already read my rage on it but its needs to go deeper and enter a whole new level. Well lets see with titles ummmm kay. First every profile all says they want someone nice and someone to care for them. Perfect world right but yet its a bull shit lie and they know it. As soon as you send a picture of you boom if your not ripped and have six pack abs mines well shoot yourself right. Also if your not freaking 10ft tall and dark give up now. Don't even send a picture of yourself in fact freaking get some off of shopping sites to please them with lies. Lies fueled with lies why not. If your not rolling in six figures a year they don't want to even bother sending you an email. They claim all these old school values and romance. But yet they don't even have any ground to hold on it or even try to fake it. ALL THEY WANT IS THAT ONE GUY WHO WORKS OUT 20 TIMES A WEEK AND MAKES 100,000 a year. So if you want 100 replays and tons of girls all over you. Just go kill yourself in the gym, then rob a bank. Inspired by a true poet haha. Next lets start with people putting where are all the real men at. Well there out there they just aren't what you want at all, even though its stated clearly in your post. BLHA BLHA BLHA.........................................
Women love nice guys to bitch about there problems and fulfill the heart part. They'll sit there and bitch and bitch about there boy friend.....Yet you ready for it they wont do shit about it. They have all come up with a line i love and laugh every time i hear it. If i leave him i wont find anyone else and be alone the rest of my life. So being single is worse then having to go home to verbal abuse. Laughing my ass off umm ok your crazy and need help clearly. Who ever thought of this line should be shoot or at least come up with a new one we can all embrace that's fulfilling, not empty and full of lies.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Lets get down and gritty on the party. Everyone listing to the vibes of 2pac. What a great nite. A bomb fire in the back and classic beer pong but no one had the balls to play with real beer it was water. Anyways i get an invite threw a mutual friend who knows the owner of the house. The parents are gone time to break out and trough that wild ass party everyone dreams off. People at a fire passing cigs around and drinks all talking about life. Others caring back packs full of what nots. So i arrive to the house first thing i see is my friend stumble down the sitars and say yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Clearly had a few too many but that's the idea right. So with SOCO 100 proof in my hand i take a swig and let the good times roll. Mingle with the peeps and what not. Talking about nothing important at all other than how much they drank and how many drugs there not on. Me and the friend eventually end up at the bomb fire outside. He sits with his head tucked close to his legs. His head is spinning. So i get him some water. Then he starts to puke and i carry his drunk ass to the bathroom. Where he starts to talk about how he wants to take the porcelain goddess out for dinner and drinks. Wait it gets better he even offers her to take her out to see titanic is that not suppercute or what laughing my ass off. I was like so your going to take this toilet to dinner and a 3d movie. That's cool man. While this is happing there's cops at the front door. Talk about framing herding cows in a straight line. Ever one scatters in all directions threw the neighborhood. Scared shitless, running like hell. I bail and hop in the car. Get home and sit there listing to 2pac reminiscing about the past two days :).................

RARE to see real life me hahaha

So far the last two day in my life have been very interesting to say the least nothing like party's and drinking as well as a drunk chick kicking and hitting you. Lets see where to begin. Hmmmmmmm.......Still got you attention i'm guessing yes hehe. Well i go to a local bar every now and then with a few friends. I know the bartender we exchange random trivia on john claude van damme aww yeah. So i get a text form a chick i have not seen in a long time wanting to join us for drinks. So we text back and forth fro a little and i tell her its cool to meet us at the bar around 11 after i hit the gym. Gotta watch the figure look good for the summer. You know the old advantage telling your self your going to get that six pack before the summer. Anyways after working out i meet my friend there and then she calls. She sounds wasted told her to satay home and be safe. Cant stop a drunk chick right, no matter what you say they just ignore it. So she arrives barley able to walk creating quite a scene. Screaming out loud i want food, "TACO BELL". This chick is gone, how the fuck she drove 30 miles to the bar is a miracle itself. So i order her a water like a gentlemen and she drinks but the whole time where there she just keeps saying feed me, feed me, and feed me. While the whole bar is staring at us she drops her phone on the floor. Then a chick comes and helps her get the phone off the ground. Its all cracked an mess up now cant even read anything on the scree. Poor iPhone. So i convenience her that we are going out for food. Yes Denys is open late great drunk food right. When we start heading to the car she has to hold onto me to even get there. Then the random kid like resemblance of screaming begins. Wheres my car wheres my car. So i take her two feet to her car and she says its all good i can drive. Ok i don't what planet your from but hear on earth if you can barley talk and or walk then you can not handle a car right now. So i tell her to chilax and calm the fuck down. She gets back in my car and we head towards down town. Load and behold it comes out again like a child wanting a toy. Wheres my care wheres my car. Ummmmmm last time i checked we were just there now were heading towards food. So i pull over to calm her down and my god she opens up like a record to unveil shit i neither want to hear or should hear. Its like opening pandora's box but you have no idea how to shut the fucking thing off. So she gets into her spill of how her mom beats her and does cocaine. First off i said i don't want to hear this and Ive meant your mom shes nice so your drunk out of your mind. While this whole time she spilling her guts she talking to her ex boyfriend. So i get on the phone with him and we both agree to drunk to drive. She nabs the phone from me and starts to get out of the car fine and says she will walk to her car. Ok have fun walking 8 miles. She gets back in and i'm able to calm her down again. so i call my friend who was out with us to help me out. Tell her that hes going to drive her car and ill drive us to your place. Fuck me that was a wrong idea. She goes off about obessive-compulsive disorder and how shell freak out if some one else driver her mom car. First of if its your mom cars than your so called  obessive-compulsive disorder has no meaning and should be though out the window now. So my friend rolls up and were off to her car back at the bar sweet. The plus side with two in the car she shuts the hell up. Once we get there all hell breaks loose and she gets in her car. so i go and get the bartender and we all try to tell her not to drive. Its an on goign record of kids telling kids what not to do i know. So she then drives off and were all like ok she cleray does not care about friends or others. She said fuck it i'm going to drive home now. Were all like, well we tried but she did not want to listen. AWWWWWWWWWW yeah this is part one its already long so ill post part two separately about the party hehe.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Much respect to Blizzard

World of warcraft is the topic hehe. By far the greatest company know to man. 10 million people paying 15 a month to play a game. My god that 150,000,000 million a month freaking so much money its hard to fathom where it all goes but i digress. Ever mmo that comes out makes fun of wow and tries to become the so called wow killer. When they release a inferior product, that has about half of what wow does is it no wonder they fail. Take a look a recently released one SWTOR or for the insavy starwars the old republic. It was a great experience to level in the game but when it came down to what i do at max level the game it self was full of disappointment. They claim the cared about story and what not. If that was true then why the hell is rading still broke on some bosses, how the hell am i suppose to get sucked into story when your not fixing it to where i can see it. Instead your pressing on and making more sotory in new raids with new content. Sweet so those last few bosses before meant nothing i guess and don't have any sort of pivotal moment to progress the story at all and don't have anything to do with the game. Then why the fuck put them in if the in fact mean nothing to you as a company. EA invested 500 million to see this game do good and you destroy it before there eyes. Or maybe its them the investors creating all the drama. Then the whole pvp system is broke and will remain that way since they leaked out the fact that no one is playing republicans. That's great theirs a faction imbalance and I'm suppose to continue investing on the republic side because of this. I think not but at the same time i hate to go threw a game again after reaching max level, i already seen the content its not going to be exciting for me again lol. This game has been a media night mare ever since the idea came around. If your going to compete atleas include the shit your competitor has not say its coming out. Ok then i should wait 2 years when no one is playing it so i can have all the great tools that are about 3 years old from one game, that is now in yours. With 10 million as your player base no one can get data that blizz gets and how trends change constantly with adapting to it. They saw the fact that we just don't want to raid we wont more to do. Its great that mist of pandaria there new expansion realizes this. There adding so much to keep us form getting bored its insane. You cant kill a giant that makes the rules for others to follow and sets the innovation bar so high its impossible to keep up. Besides wow does not release trends that are happening during year it released a year behind. My hats off to those guys for putting up with 10 million people ragging all the time, they will never get the props they deserve. i cant stress it enough that they have some of the greatest minds our generations has ever seen working on a master piece for the world to consume and enjoy.

In honor of the day

Religion. Before i began be fore worn religion to me is a cult with no leaders. Lets kick it off and break the whole thing down with a few lines and then go in depth about it. To start the freaking bible was written by man with all his flaws and lame ass excuses to alient us as human beings. The whole thing is ironique if you really think about it. Don't worship statues, ummmmm ok what its Jesus on a cross lol. Next if we all came form two beings would that not be inbreeding ohh wait that's impossible but its your ideology in the first place not mine. Next don't pass judgment apon people, really really you do that all the time to me because i have yet to break down and conform to your rules and laws that you see as the divine light. Sweet so was not Jesus him self hung on a cross not crucified cause a crucifix is the cross upside down lets get that strait too. Now according to the book that I'm suppose to believe in and is all knowing and will bring me to a higher enlightenment we call life is BS. I'm not only suppose to sell my soul for you I'm also not suppose to indulge in the finer pleasures of life. Really the very thing that makes us human I'm suppose to stay away from. Then the whole idea of you putting us apon the gods them self and we deserve eternal life. Yeah i don't know about you but in no way shape or form do we deserve that it's lunatici to even think that. All we do is destroy the creator creation day in and day out. Were a plague that's out of control and your trying to convince me that we will indeed be in the present of the gods when we die after this very fact of us destroy ourselves and the world as we know it. Ok i don't know what kind of sick and twisted world you live in but in mine there's no way in hell we would ever see the gods who created this master piece when all we do is destroy it. Here's one for you what kind of god would he be if he welcomed us into his house after we killed his son. Yeah right not in a million years. Is it no wonder this world is getting worse and you never get ahead no matter how hard you tried. We buried our slef's deep in a pile of shit that we will never, ever successfully get out of.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Is it me or are there just people posting shit trying to get famous. Seems like every where i turn theres a new cat video. My god end it we get it there cute stop making videos of them its old and needs to change. Also youtube tired of watching a commercial and then while the video is playing you throw in another add. Turn this crap off i don't care about the next nike shoe or want to see another car be dropped off a crane for fun. If i see one more cat video i'm going to freak the fuck out and tear my hair out an post that as a video. People stop making videos about how your felling and whats on your mind for the day. I get it your boring and have nothing to post so why not whine about your life in a video. Since where on the topic of feelings is it me or does every god dam cartoon now ask the main character how there feeling today. Are kids these day that depressed we now have to ask them how there feeling day in and out. Is it no wonder suicide is up with the constant badgering of how you feelings today. I'm fine now its time to drink some wine until i unwind. What happen to all the good old cartoons. Like the road runner and the cyote. Those were epic and enjoyable. Let me guess with today's consensus society they labeled them as too violent. Sweet lets all drink milk and eat cookies. Then feed them with garbage about everyone being a psychiatrist,  who goal of the day is to stand there and say one line "HOW YOU FEELING TODAY." Let me think about this i was fine but now i'm not sure you keep asking like theirs something wrong cant i just live life free balling. Let me think and not you do the thinking for me. Or take me to the doctor and dope me on more pills. So i have no feelings or emotions at all. I'm just here not sure why but theses pills tell me i'm ok now. Ty and feed me more. The more numb i feel the better off i am so i don't have to do anything anymore. I enjoy the short bus and all the colors of the rainbows that are pills. Woot another year of incoherent babble. Also since were talking about kids. Lets make it so offensive to public spank kids when there out of line that all we can do is let them through a fit or your calling cps. Its now socially unacceptable to punish your kids of any way shape or form. That's fantastic no wonder every parent is now an alcoholic and living on the edge omg is the teacher today going to ask my child if everything is alright at home. What if they say something about that fite we where having. Ohh man need more. SIP SIP that's better now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012


OK comcast lets do this beef and then i'm out going to quest. First off i pay for a service to be there not for you to limit my ass when already paid you cause i play games. Of course my bandwidth is high i upload all day when i play wow. I'm not a fucking pirate i just enjoy doing something fun. Tired of being on the phone for hours telling you people this and all you guys acted surprised each and every time i go threw this. BTW a service paid for should be there all day every day. Not when every you fill like giving me internet cause your always down for no reason and cant give me a good enough reason to believe other wise. Then lets put in the contract you limit my download as well. Sweet 250 gigs for a month well that shit gets eaten up in like two weeks now. Games are like 20 gigs now so at about 10 games and then me watching some next flix in hd well that's more than enough to go over. Once your over, i enjoy all your threatening emails of you going to ban me. A client who pays his bill on time, that's the kind of person who should never ever get an account. Why not ban people just for hopping online, cause you can. As soon as they long just show a message, your pirating movies good nite. For going to that porn site i love so much. ill threw a name out there I love it that you spy on me 24 seven as well. Send me emails about files i never heard of lol. I like it calming i download WTF is that. Comcast is like a kid, i said no, no no nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Ok i get it i'm paying you to tell me what i can do and not sweet. Not only do you demand so much, you suck the life out of me. Just what i wanted a means to constantly look at my meters of how much bandwidth Ive got left this month and then live on the edge is alright if i look at porn to nite or are you going to be mean.

DVDS/Blu rays

So we all know blu ray has the quality that's far superior than DVDS. We get it, we love waiting 10 hours for you to boot up and then force us to spend 30 dollars on it woot. Lets break it down first off i buy it and then take it home. Un rap it put it  in and then 5 mins later it starts the commercials. Really did i just not pay to own this thing and the rights to watch what i want to watch. Stop hijacking my player to where i cant skip it. Yes i own it and yes when i first start it up i watch all that but the second time threw i'm not watching that crap that's 12 months old now forget it. Give me the option weather or not to watch it. Also who's bright idea was it to get rid of the resume feature on blu rays. Hmm i never have to pee or take a break during a 4 hour movie at all. In fact i want to wait another 10 mins to get to the menu and then another 4 mins to get to where i was in the movie. All this time wasted i could of been watching it on DVD lol. The quality is so great lets improve it cause our eyes cant see passed 30fps anyways so its point less. While were on this subject don't you love it when you drop 100 dollars on that nice set of star wars movie blu ray set. You take it home all full of excitement only to find out they packed it all in cardboard cause that does not scratch movies at all. Yes not only did i get a new product it also comes pre scratched for that added bonus of skipping during the movie to miss that part of varder saying nooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Now lets get into the whole i'm aloud one back up copy of every movie i own. Ok blu ray is about 30gigs sweet for one copy that's about 7 hours. Alright so if i have 30 i mines well quit my job and get my grave ready cause that's about how long it'll take me to make a copy 30 of them not including me buying new ones.

WTH Hulk

So Edward Norton did the best job being the hulk. It was a great movie and he fit the role perfectly. I don't understand why they casted a new person for avengers. They even set up the end of the hulk with Edward to be in avengers. This leads to me believe that Disney is going down hill fast, Hence the reason i'm not going to go see it. Seems like Disney has no idea how to run a marvel comics company. Since were on the subject they lost so mush money on John Carter that they are banking on captain America 2 and avengers to make up for it. I guess they had a whole line of toys as well as they set up the movie to be a three prater. Another crazy fact is the new captain America has someone new for the main part. Why did they revamped all these great comics and did such a fantastic job and then recast everyone is beyond me. Whats next iron man 3 with someone new as well that will never work lol. Its like what they did with x-men lets kill xavier in the first 20 mins that was a crazy move. From what i read it sounds like they are going to have to have the ceos and what not eat the cost of John carter >.>! Sounds like we will have another gm incident a whole new debt to bail out that government will jump in to save them. Chop the name up and re higher all new people. Its a great idea lets do it.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Lets have fun. Lets all compare this to that whole 2000 thing cause that was not created by corporations to scare us at all. Really you mean they used it as a means to get us to do all sorts of stupid stuff. Yes Y2K was fake there i said it. Who cares if the computer only sees it as 00. Alright are we not going to know that, that is in fact 2000, proly not cause were not open minded at all. HAHA i take that back we are all single minded and it worked well we fell in line like a bunch cows. Also the Mayans if you actual took the time to FUCKING google it for crying out loud and read the whole 10 page thing. I know 10 pages is asking to much. Well here i gave it to you in one line. ALL THAT HAPPENS IS WE ALIGN WITH THE MILK-WAY AND THEY BELIEVE ITS A GATE WAY TO THE HEAVENS. There you go solved are your worries about one day for this year. Go me. Don't fall for the mass media of it being the end of the world please.


Is it me or have we not seen any improvements in this filed at all. The only thing they have done over the years is take something big and make it small/new again. Really does no ones else see this. Here we go the ipad, is that not a laptop just smaller. I don't know let me ask this piece of bark on the ground that is molding and cant speak. Wait for it, wait for it, there you go it just strikes you, you see it now, your almost there. Were all holding the wine and fine dinning waiting for you to come back to reality. Its almost over, there done see now welcome back. Like i said a laptop made smaller with the same price. Then to top it off it'll be updated every year with a new model. Sweet not only did i just drop 800 on this thing you mean a better one will be out next year. Why not wait, oh cause that's just insanity right. It happens every year omg i give up. Also is it me or have we not had a technological advancement since the computer. We are at the peak of our minds and nothing has been given or seen to move us forward. The future not flying cars its us caring the cars in our minds. Its all an illusion that soon will be over.


Haha ill keep this one short and sweet. All we see is the same shit over and over now. Its done no more originality can come out of these. Fuck it i'm done.

Mass effect

Fuck yeah i just spent about 56 hours beating all there and in the end you gave me three choices. Lets see hear how i can break this down. First off the haters out there are idiots and bioware created such a stir in the gaming community, grats to them. Nothing better than getting a bunch of nerds to get off there ass and support a cause. They got these single minded drones to single handily raise about 40k for charity to get them to change the ending. Fuck yeah not only did they donate to a great cause why not support it. I agree the ending was kinda of weak. The whole thing about Shepperd taking a breath on the concrete is impossible. Cause every space station is made of cookies and ice cream. What if the beam you jumped in just took a dna reading it needed and then beamed you to safety down on earth. That's fucking impossible no way that ever could of happen.....right. My favorite is people saying it was a dream cause the image of the boy the deity took was all a trick. Well lets break it down the first time you run into the deity they said they take the image that is most prudent or influencing to that persons life at the time. Alright threw out the third game Shepperd has nightmares about a boy who died on earth when she left. So if one was posed with three decisions for humanity that would either be devastating or influencing towards the further then fuck yeah I'm taking the image of the boy to help persuade your decision. Then the whole thing of blacking out when she got hit by a beam furthers the idea of a dream. Really a big ass explosion happens and not only would you be knocked out, you be barley able to walk. Oh wait i just described what happen. No one likes to see the main charter die in a game its just not right. Alright i can kind of agree with you on that but when its a self less decisions your faced with who cares about the sacrifice of one for many. If every thing was candy and grapes we would have no imagination and be stuck with the same story. I like the concept and the ending of this game. It was not only fitting it was perfect. The idea of one for many has been passed down to us as the very story of where we come from. Sometimes we lose site of what that truly means to us and how it would be hard to make such a decisions that has to be done. Last but not least i leave you with this.

ITS A GAME GET OVER IT..............................

Internet dating

So been trying this new thing out let me just say why the hell are people even on there no one responds with an ounce of intellect at all or even have a brain. It’s like they all took one profile and copy and pasted it over and over again. Does no one believe in creating a profile that's not from a book or some stupid dr. Phil show that teaches you the bull shit of being unoriginal and becoming a part of the same monotony in life of being fake. Then when it comes down to talking it’s all one liners, if you even think about writing a paragraph forget it, they don't care it’s just another creepy person looking to hard cause they read into it instead of realizing that it’s just you trying to express your life through your eyes. By the way make your profile as fake as possible tell everyone you work 45 hours at a nice place and make over 200k a year. The more money and the more gym you do the better off you are. It’s so stereotypical even for an internet dating site to have the same kind of idioms that we see on a day to day basis. Also post as many pics as possible but make sure no of them are up to date so it would give the illusion that you truly look like that until we meet. Instead of responding to peoples quick reply's make them work for it because there’s nothing like sending random emails over and over to maybe get a respond or a reaction out of you. Why the hell are you hear to play games and give people the false hope that there are decent people out there. Oh wait my mom wrote this for me and i also read a book on what's hot to post as a profile. Here let me help you Lonely depressed and just hear for sex. There something exciting and it was free haha. In fact the more fake you are the more tangible you are in life. It’s like lying will not only makes you millions it’s what’s makes everyone tick in life. The more elaborate your profile is the hotter you are it’s like a plague of disease written degenerates with no imagination. Also create as many profiles as you can with the same pics so then i can go there and see the same shit i already seen, sweet nothing has changed in 5 years since your last profile on that other site. What's your life is stagnate with nothing ever happening in it, in fact its the same shit day in and day out. Okay i get it just next time make some effort to update a little on what has happen in a few years. Also to encourage people that you are still looking but don't give a shit when you get reply's from people change your profiles headline every day about how lonely you are and never respond to anything. This way it looks like you mite be checking your mail or at least you tired with one liners. But you feel the need to say it in your title and sit on your ass doing nothing about it. Enjoy the fact that people are the same around the world....................................................