Saturday, April 14, 2012

RARE to see real life me hahaha

So far the last two day in my life have been very interesting to say the least nothing like party's and drinking as well as a drunk chick kicking and hitting you. Lets see where to begin. Hmmmmmmm.......Still got you attention i'm guessing yes hehe. Well i go to a local bar every now and then with a few friends. I know the bartender we exchange random trivia on john claude van damme aww yeah. So i get a text form a chick i have not seen in a long time wanting to join us for drinks. So we text back and forth fro a little and i tell her its cool to meet us at the bar around 11 after i hit the gym. Gotta watch the figure look good for the summer. You know the old advantage telling your self your going to get that six pack before the summer. Anyways after working out i meet my friend there and then she calls. She sounds wasted told her to satay home and be safe. Cant stop a drunk chick right, no matter what you say they just ignore it. So she arrives barley able to walk creating quite a scene. Screaming out loud i want food, "TACO BELL". This chick is gone, how the fuck she drove 30 miles to the bar is a miracle itself. So i order her a water like a gentlemen and she drinks but the whole time where there she just keeps saying feed me, feed me, and feed me. While the whole bar is staring at us she drops her phone on the floor. Then a chick comes and helps her get the phone off the ground. Its all cracked an mess up now cant even read anything on the scree. Poor iPhone. So i convenience her that we are going out for food. Yes Denys is open late great drunk food right. When we start heading to the car she has to hold onto me to even get there. Then the random kid like resemblance of screaming begins. Wheres my car wheres my car. So i take her two feet to her car and she says its all good i can drive. Ok i don't what planet your from but hear on earth if you can barley talk and or walk then you can not handle a car right now. So i tell her to chilax and calm the fuck down. She gets back in my car and we head towards down town. Load and behold it comes out again like a child wanting a toy. Wheres my care wheres my car. Ummmmmm last time i checked we were just there now were heading towards food. So i pull over to calm her down and my god she opens up like a record to unveil shit i neither want to hear or should hear. Its like opening pandora's box but you have no idea how to shut the fucking thing off. So she gets into her spill of how her mom beats her and does cocaine. First off i said i don't want to hear this and Ive meant your mom shes nice so your drunk out of your mind. While this whole time she spilling her guts she talking to her ex boyfriend. So i get on the phone with him and we both agree to drunk to drive. She nabs the phone from me and starts to get out of the car fine and says she will walk to her car. Ok have fun walking 8 miles. She gets back in and i'm able to calm her down again. so i call my friend who was out with us to help me out. Tell her that hes going to drive her car and ill drive us to your place. Fuck me that was a wrong idea. She goes off about obessive-compulsive disorder and how shell freak out if some one else driver her mom car. First of if its your mom cars than your so called  obessive-compulsive disorder has no meaning and should be though out the window now. So my friend rolls up and were off to her car back at the bar sweet. The plus side with two in the car she shuts the hell up. Once we get there all hell breaks loose and she gets in her car. so i go and get the bartender and we all try to tell her not to drive. Its an on goign record of kids telling kids what not to do i know. So she then drives off and were all like ok she cleray does not care about friends or others. She said fuck it i'm going to drive home now. Were all like, well we tried but she did not want to listen. AWWWWWWWWWW yeah this is part one its already long so ill post part two separately about the party hehe.

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