Monday, April 9, 2012

In honor of the day

Religion. Before i began be fore worn religion to me is a cult with no leaders. Lets kick it off and break the whole thing down with a few lines and then go in depth about it. To start the freaking bible was written by man with all his flaws and lame ass excuses to alient us as human beings. The whole thing is ironique if you really think about it. Don't worship statues, ummmmm ok what its Jesus on a cross lol. Next if we all came form two beings would that not be inbreeding ohh wait that's impossible but its your ideology in the first place not mine. Next don't pass judgment apon people, really really you do that all the time to me because i have yet to break down and conform to your rules and laws that you see as the divine light. Sweet so was not Jesus him self hung on a cross not crucified cause a crucifix is the cross upside down lets get that strait too. Now according to the book that I'm suppose to believe in and is all knowing and will bring me to a higher enlightenment we call life is BS. I'm not only suppose to sell my soul for you I'm also not suppose to indulge in the finer pleasures of life. Really the very thing that makes us human I'm suppose to stay away from. Then the whole idea of you putting us apon the gods them self and we deserve eternal life. Yeah i don't know about you but in no way shape or form do we deserve that it's lunatici to even think that. All we do is destroy the creator creation day in and day out. Were a plague that's out of control and your trying to convince me that we will indeed be in the present of the gods when we die after this very fact of us destroy ourselves and the world as we know it. Ok i don't know what kind of sick and twisted world you live in but in mine there's no way in hell we would ever see the gods who created this master piece when all we do is destroy it. Here's one for you what kind of god would he be if he welcomed us into his house after we killed his son. Yeah right not in a million years. Is it no wonder this world is getting worse and you never get ahead no matter how hard you tried. We buried our slef's deep in a pile of shit that we will never, ever successfully get out of.

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