Friday, April 27, 2012

Yes we all unite to waste money

That's right you stupid rich people with fads. It was Scientology to begin with now you guys are bored and need something to waste money on now. Lets all gather and see what stupid ass idea we can come up with. Oh wait i got lets mine for minerals and gas woot. Ok the gas station idea first. We don't even have a space ship any more last time i checked. NASA is dead and has yet to re build there space craft. So for starters your funding the RUSSIANS. Way to go billions upon billions wasted to take a dam meteorite and use robots to gather an ounce of resources. Woot that cost about 8 billion with a turn around of about 1000 dollars. The richest minds untie and waste more money on idiotic ideas. The whole NASA thing i could rage on for hours. Trillions spent to bring back a fucking rock are you kidding me my god. Spend that money on better things down here. Who cares about a rock i can go find in Sarah desert myself. Hell pay me ten thousand and ill do that for you. Ill go down there and find that strange rock you guys can study in a glass case for years to come. To final realize how stupid the idea was to begin with. I get the idea of exploring other planets but to sit there and waste trillions on rocks is point less. I don't care what the moon looks like i can see that shit day in and out in my back yard for crying out loud. Also to waste billions on a god dam pen that writes upside down really have you ever heard of a pencil. What kind of people are running this place. I need a pen cause that lead was to gray and black looking, in fact i don't like the way it looks on a pad. Really get a life and actually look at what we have and then use it. Don't waste money on a stupid pen that no one else will every use in there life. I know when i write i sit in my bed holding a dam pad in the air to write on all the time. Yeah even you as the reader should know better than to believe my ass on that. Ok so back on subject they want a working gas station by 2020. Sweet lets have tons of fuel for that one plane that takes another 67 billion years to get there, oh wait were dead when that happens. HAHAHA don't you see how dumb this idea is really come on. It takes years to go any where up there so why make a fuel station that'll never see the lite of day but for old people who were 18 when they first took off, Laughing my ass off over and over. The whole NASA program is a joke just like this idea of a gas station in space. What will it cost pennies on the dollar but take trillions to get there. Fucking sweet and i applaud all you idiots in that room who came up with this idea. Lets get to the key players of this Google CEO Larry Page and Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt and Cameron. Yes that crazy director of titanic haha. Cameron is back with yet another idea. First it was Avatar all filmed form mars footage we don't have yet, now its lets waste money on a space fueling station. No idea why Google's ceo would bank on it, that ones beyond me i think he got brain washed by Cameron.

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