Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fuck trust

Well well well here we are the best thing in life right. Lifes a bitch no matter what you do it ends up biting and ripping you up in the end. Trust itself is what got us in the mess to began with. We gave trust to that special someone and they tore it up because of past experiences that lead them to believe "With trust comes miss trust"(Alan Cotting). So where suppose to learn and adept form our past right. But is it not the past that defines us. Fuck yeah it is. So how does one who has trust issues from past experience get over that in the next relationship. You don't its impossible no matter how hard you try you'll regress to that past experience cause its all you got and its the very foundation that built you. The past defines the being we are today no matter who you try to fool it'll come out time and time again. Were suppose to be building and progressing from it but its impossible when its all we got to go by. Lifes a bitch and full of irony. How is this not the very definition of hell. Well think about it no matter what you do you'll fall back on trust cause its your crutch in life and how messed up it truly is in your mind. Theres no trust its impossible to find no matter how hard you look. Were all broke and broke each other so bad that its one broken piece after another. Its hard to build a foundation on trust when its trust that got you into the mess your in. It's trust that put up the walls to your heart cause its what was broken when you put trust into that special someone in life. So if that next person in your life is not willing to help you build off this then it'll never work out. All we do is try to piece ours and hers broken heart into a whole one once again. It's difficult to find since its a project and we all hate projects no matter how big or small. There time consuming and it often breaks us down further to the break of our very being or the fiber of our existence itself. Is that not messed up...................

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