Saturday, April 21, 2012

The mind set of staying up 24 hours

This post will be all over the place. The idea after this long with no sleep having coherent thoughts is almost impossible. One could even say its not going to happen. I feel the mind slipping into a paradox of different reality's. Who's to say which one is real or not. Hard to decipher when your this out of it. Yes i did stay up this long to grind out in a game. One would say i nerd-ed out hardcore and need a month to recuperate but i say not enough. Only got to level 20 and theirs still 40 more to go. As i sip my glass full of water listing to the malonic sounds that are Ashley Wallbridge, i drift off down a rabbit whole. It's a lot like Alice not sure which way is up or down but in the end it all works out. Since i said it why is that no matter how hard this thing we call life we always adept and spring back up only to be taken back down but still we always manage. As the music pumps louder and louder i can feel the body began to move. Then i drift to another place. Feels like I'm flying threw the clouds and then it turns into nite. Where I'm just lying there in the grass looking up at the bright twinkle lights. Almost like its game to turn them off and on. Well off to bed my pillow awaits me with arms wide open. To nestle this kind brain into a deep sleep that is rem.

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